WantUrKink 54M | Appleton, Wisconsin

Occasional CD in Fox Cities Needs MUA

Hello Group!  So there ARE CDs in conservative ol' Wisconsin!?! 😉  I'm a pan Sub/bottle who'll crossdress if my Vers/Doms partners like it AND, occassionally alone for my own enjoyment & practice.  I really enjoy rummaging thru my seemingly infinite stockpile of individulally purchased, mostly thrift store clothing items to create an outfit/look - at least when that turns out well.  Make-up on the otherhand is often the bane of my CD world.  Prior to starting dressing a handful of years ago, I knew nothing about it. A Drag Queen friend gave me a few half-hearted lessons.  I've watched a slew of tutorial videos.  But there is SOOO much I don't know/understand & so much experience I'm lacking.  Plus I have some pre-existing obstcles/challenges:  1) I'm 53 & have never taken good care of my skin (in fact, in my youth I was a sun-seeker).  So, it's not cracked leather; but it's FAR from a baby's bottom.  2) I've always been clean-shave & never thought my facial hair was that thick - UNTIL I started doing make-up.  Now, I shave just before I start & by time I've finished (I admit I'm not terribly good, therefore not terribly quick), it seems TO ME at least a 5:00-shadow is starting to show thru.  And 3) I must be somewhat allergic to some/all(?) powders.  Anytime I "over" use (& "over" doesn't take all that much), my eyes are so red the look like I've been on a 3-day bender, followed by a smoke-fest.  I'm hoping to find someone who really KNOWS make-up (for men especially), ideally a professional MUA, who would help me choose the right products, teach me the right techniques and, for "hot dates" maybe even make me up him/herself.  Hopefully, in time, that could become more of a friendship & less of a professional realationship.  Am I dreaming to think I might find that in/near lil' ol' Appleton?!?

Posted Apr 09, 2023

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  • Partyn0play
  • Avamiss
  • Subpckrs143
  • Tsdareme
  • Rickrod
  • Benny
  • Evaler8
  • WantUrKink
  • Texas
  • Chrisdunneit
  • Munster
  • JamieGem
  • Balzamon
  • Just some fun
  • lookin4at
  • Jimdamd
  • Watchmecum22
  • Hst4fun
  • sissychris47
  • Laidbackguy124
  • Fishinfun0723
  • I_am_oral
  • Slick
  • GilfLover88