Get a good understanding of what is Autosexuality and what type of person this is.

Autosexuality refers to an individual’s sexual attraction to themselves. It’s more than just self-love or self-appreciation; it’s a genuine sexual or romantic connection one feels with their own body, thoughts, or feelings. While some might confuse it with narcissism, they are distinct.

Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by excessive self-admiration, whereas autosexuality is a form of sexual orientation. Like other orientations, it describes where one’s sexual or romantic attractions predominantly lie.

For these individuals, this attraction is directed inward. However, identifying as auto sexual doesn’t necessarily preclude feelings for others. It’s just another facet of the rich spectrum of human sexuality.


10 Myths and Truths

  1. Myth: Being autosexual means you’re just in love with yourself.
    Truth: Auto sexual orientation is about experiencing a genuine sexual or romantic connection with oneself, distinct from mere self-love or vanity.

  2. Myth: Autosexual individuals are inherently narcissistic.
    Truth: Narcissism and being auto sexual are separate; the former is a personality trait, while the latter is a sexual orientation.

  3. Myth: If someone identifies as autosexual, they can’t be attracted to others.
    Truth: Many who identify as autosexual also experience attractions to other people, showing the fluidity and spectrum of human sexuality.

  4. Myth: Autosexual feelings are just a phase that people grow out of.
    Truth: For many, being this way is a consistent aspect of their sexuality, just as enduring as any other orientation.

  5. Myth: Autosexual individuals don’t want or enjoy intimate relationships with others.
    Truth: While many find attraction within themselves, many also seek and cherish relationships with others.

  6. Myth: The concept of autosexual is a modern, internet-age invention.
    Truth: The understanding and labeling might be more recent, but feelings of self-attraction have been present throughout history.

  7. Myth: Autosexual orientation is just about self-pleasure or masturbation.
    Truth: While self-pleasure might be a part of it for some, autosexual feelings encompass deeper emotional and romantic connections with oneself.

  8. Myth: Autosexual individuals are just seeking attention by using a unique label.
    Truth: Labeling oneself is a means of understanding and expressing a genuine aspect of one’s sexuality, not an attention-seeking ploy.

  9. Myth: There’s no community or support.
    Truth: Communities, forums, and groups provide support and understanding for the autosexual community.

  10. Myth: Autosexual orientation is not recognized or validated by professionals.
    Truth: As the understanding of sexuality broadens, many professionals recognize and validate the experiences of autosexual individuals.


Autosexualty FAQs


  1. Is autosexuality the same as narcissism?

    • No, is not about narcissism or extreme self-obsession. It’s a form of sexual orientation, whereas narcissism is a personality trait focused on excessive admiration and importance of oneself.

  2. Can someone be autosexual and also be attracted to others?

    • Yes, identifying as autosexual doesn’t necessarily exclude attraction to others. Many autosexual individuals can experience attraction to both themselves and others.

  3. Is autosexuality a new concept?

    • While the term might be relatively new, the concept of individuals experiencing attraction to themselves has existed throughout history. Modern discourse provides a label and understanding.

  4. How is autosexuality different from autoeroticism?

    • Autoeroticism refers to sexual activities one does alone, like masturbation, regardless of sexual orientation. Autosexuality, on the other hand, is an orientation centered on the attraction to oneself.

  5. Can autosexuality be a phase?

    • Like all sexual orientations, autosexuality is a personal experience. For some, it may remain consistent throughout life, while for others, it might evolve over time.

  6. How do I know if I’m auto sexual?

    • Self-reflection and understanding one’s feelings are key. If you find a consistent pattern of sexual or romantic attraction towards yourself, you might identify with autosexuality.

  7. Is there a community for autosexual individuals?

    • Yes, with the rise of the internet and social media, there are communities, forums, and groups where autosexual individuals can share experiences and seek support.

  8. Can autosexual individuals have fulfilling relationships with others?

    • Absolutely! is about attraction to oneself, but it doesn’t preclude the ability to form meaningful and fulfilling relationships with others.

  9. Is autosexuality recognized by psychologists or sexual health experts?

  • While it isn’t as widely researched as other orientations, it’s gaining recognition. Everyone’s sexual experience is unique, and professionals advocate for understanding and validation of all orientations.


Autosexual Movies

There aren’t many mainstream films that explicitly explore autosexuality as a central theme. However, there are movies that touch on themes of self-love, self-obsession, or narcissism, which, while distinct from autosexuality, may resonate with some of the feelings or experiences of autosexual individuals.

  1. The Double” (2013) – This film, based on Dostoevsky’s novella, delves into a man’s relationship with his doppelgänger, touching on themes of identity and self.

  2. Black Swan” (2010) – This psychological horror film touches on the protagonist’s self-obsession and identity crisis.

  3. “Fight Club” (1999) – The protagonist’s relationship with his alter ego can be seen as a form of self-love or self-loathing.

  4. “American Psycho” (2000) – This movie, centered on a narcissistic protagonist, delves into the psyche of someone extremely self-obsessed.

  5. “Mulholland Drive” (2001) – This David Lynch film touches on duality and the relationship one has with versions of oneself.

However, it’s important to note that these films do not necessarily provide a deep or accurate representation of autosexuality. They are more about duality, identity crises, or narcissism. It would be beneficial for the film industry to explore autosexuality in a nuanced and respectful manner in future productions.

Final Thoughts

People who identify under this term remain a lesser-known facet of the vast spectrum of human sexuality. As society grows more accepting and understanding of diverse experiences, it’s crucial to recognize and respect each orientation’s uniqueness. 

Like any other form of attraction, this orientation speaks to the deep, intrinsic ways we connect, not just with others, but also with ourselves. As we journey through our understanding of relationships and attractions, it’s essential to approach every experience with empathy and openness. 

Embracing our individuality and the individuality of others, whether commonly understood or not, paves the way for a more inclusive and understanding world.


  • Jessica Fox

    Jessica is a seasoned blog writer with over 15 years of experience living and exploring a diverse range of kinks. Her passion for writing is matched only by her enthusiasm for the lifestyle, which she brings to life through her engaging and insightful content. Jessica's deep understanding and personal involvement in the kink community have made her a respected voice in the field. Her blog offers a unique blend of personal anecdotes, thoughtful commentary, and practical advice, making it a go-to resource for those interested in learning more about the world of kink from someone who has not only observed but also actively participated in its many facets.

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